10% of the profits from each item sold will be donated to organizations bettering our communities to further spread the love.

Perseverence, Love & Compassion.


The Flowerman was born from a past of trauma, depression and lack of self worth. Find out more about his story here.

The Flowerman is ready to share his story with the world, to teach them about getting to a place, where they can spread love, joy and happiness, no matter where they are now. A story of preserverance, and persistance through the thickest of fogs. 



Joy and happiness can come from the smallest of gestures. 

“Shenanigans” as their known around here are how I help spread Joy, Love and Happiness throughout my community. Whenever there’s a chance to leave my neighbours and community members with a smile, you can bet I’ll be there. Check out my shenanigans by clicking the button!

Love and Luck on a B.C. Transit Bus

A beautiful woman boarded The Flowerman's bus with such positive energy and grace, during the trip this woman informed me of her dire health diagnosis yet smiled through it all. She told me that what makes her happy is to bring a smile to someone else's face. A...

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The Flowerman presents the great bicycle give away

In the spring of 2021, a much needed change was required in order to regain my physical health and consequently improve even more my mental health. Weighing in at 300 pounds, a pack a day smoker for 25 years, such poor flexibility that hiring a woman to clip my...

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