CAR-LESS……………………couldn’t CARE-A-LESS!
The Flowerman is being tested on his resilience ONCE AGAIN!
When The Flowerman rode a B.C. Transit Bus up to Campbell River last March he was filled with excitement and anticipation because he had gone without a car to drive for 1 whole year. In that year he cycled 10,000 kilometres on his daily commutes, shopping, banking, restaurants and plenty of romantic dates (40 year old virgin style). Feeling like Clark Kent always packing a change of clothes in his bicycle panniers allowing him to change into casual clothes inside each business bathroom he visited (imagine having to do that). That Transit Bus ride on an early March morning was to pick up and drive home his new-to-him used 4×4 S.U.V.
From the VERY FIRST DAY of ownership the vehicle stalled unexpectedly. It continued to stall intermittently always without warning. Needless to say it was not a joy to drive. No mechanic could solve the problem. Honestly The Flowerman prefers to use his bicycle to live his full life anyway. His 4×4 S.U.V. sat parked for months at a time while painfully watching the monthly insurance fees be automatically withdrawn from his bank account. Always suspecting the previous owner must have known the vehicle stalled but always denied it through numerous emails and text messages. The Flowerman now feels confident that the previous owner was fully aware of the mechanical issue. This sale was made without full disclosure and transparency. NICE!
The Flowerman is incredibly grateful that he was able to sell this used vehicle to an individual who knows well the full history of this S.U.V., knew it far better than The Flowerman . He drove a very hard bargain but both parties shook hands with each satisfied with the deal that had been negotiated. Unlike the owner who sold it to The Flowerman , The Flowermancould never sell such a used vehicle without full disclosure and transparency.
Yes there are trade offs. Definitely going to miss the ability to drive up Mount Washington on a whim to cross country ski. Going to miss quick little road trips to visit friends in Campbell River or Vernon. That was the original intent. But at 61 years young the unexpected health benefits that The Flowerman has achieved having gained incredibly strong legs and a cardiovascular system that his own doctor says is comparable to an elite athlete is a priceless trade off and wouldn’t trade away for anything.
The hardest part to accept is that all the money spent on the purchase and repairs was money recouped from Revenue Canada. Reversed Penalties and fines charged by the CRA while The Flowerman was 15 months in the psychiatric institution having failed to pay his taxes from a hospital bed and ten years of claw backs granted from filed disability tax credits are ………………………….ALL GONE!
Ownership of a personal vehicle (except Lemon-Aid) is just not in the cards for The Flowerman, not with the hand he’s been dealt. But that’s okay. The Flowerman lives with an incredible amount of gratitude that he can live a full life without a car! It’s honestly a wonderful daily personal challenge both mentally and physically.
Definition of irony below:
Attached picture is from today’s BIKE RIDE to the bank to deposit the proceeds from the sale of his CAR (IRONY!) Due to the heavy rains at the time the cash deposit got wet. Each and every bank note (bill) had to be hand dryed individually by the teller before the bills could be placed in the counting machine otherwise it would jam up. The Flowerman asks the teller “bet you’ve never had to do that before?” Teller’s answer “nope, this is a first!”
Life on a bicycle! Lol.
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