Looking to loose weight?
Ride a bicycle!
This was a heartfelt comment The Flowermanreceived yesterday.
“I Hope all is well with you JD, I noticed you are looking much thinner lately. Take care of yourself, you are such a busy flowerman! Merry Christmas. Stay healthy. ”
The Flowerman’sreply:
“Bless you my friend for noticing and not being afraid to make a heartfelt sincere comment about my health.
I noticed the same thing only about 2-3 weeks ago. You are correct. My weight loss came as a totally unexpected surprise. I dusted off the bathroom scale 2 weeks ago and realized I had lost approximately 18 pounds In the last 4 months. My last full physical recently showed me that I am perfectly healthy. I know my food intake has certainly dropped since starting my new shift 4 months ago. Shift work is incredibly hard on your system, in many different ways. Add that reduction in caloric intake and a huge amount of kilometres peddling my bicycle every single day burning what little calories I take in and the result is weight loss.
Because of your heartfelt comment made out of love and concern I am going to start paying far more attention to my dietary requirements and feed my body better considering all the mandatory cardio I am forced to put my body through.
Thank you so much for having the courage to say something
So very sincerely
JDTheFlowerman ”
The human body was not designed to be sedentary. If you really want to loose some extra weight then MOVE!
Get your cardiovascular system pumping as it should. That extra weight will come off The Flowerman WILL GUARANTEE IT!
By chance and not design The Flowerman is back to his goal weight and feels GREAT!
Stay tuned!
The Flowerman
The first post something was missing in the attached photograph. This one is much better! Lol
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