A true Christmas story on the Love Bus.
A hockey game is what Canada needs once again to bring the country together.
As usual, The Flowerman🌻knows the actual names of both individuals in this Christmas story but chooses to use aliases.
As The Flowerman 🌻turns the corner approaching the downtown exchange the destination sign above automatically changes to read # 7 Arden as he sees his old friend Barry waiting. Instinctual smiles on both our faces had been generated as it had been months since we last chatted. “Great to see you Barry” was offered “right back at ya Flowerman🌻” was returned.
Soon after departing the downtown exchange Barry tells The Flowerman 🌻just how tired he has become. Never ignoring a comment that is full of vulnerability and sincerity The Flowerman 🌻asks why. “I’ve recently become homeless and sleeping outside. Most people blame others for all their troubles but It was me that made the mistakes and I take ownership.” Barry had just come back from Dawn to Dawn: Action on Homelessness monthly meeting at the Courtenay Library where he and all other’s experiencing homelessness in attendance received a bit of a feast with lots of gifts. Lanterns, socks, knitted gloves and hats, gift cards, toiletries and goodies. The Flowerman🌻expressed such gratitude to Barry for being so open and honest knowing that he himself had found himself homeless in the Valley four years ago, feeling incredibly grateful for his career that pays for his shelter as his hands grip the steering wheel with extra passion then hands doing a cross over as the Love Bus made a right turn at the four way stop.
With truth revealed The Flowerman 🌻started to question why Barry had wanted to ride the #7 Arden, it’s a quick loop in a residential area with no homeless shelters located along the route. Always inquisitive, open and honest never being afraid to ask the deep questions of anyone The Flowerman 🌻asks Barry where he hoped to go. He was wanting to get dropped off along the #7 Driftwood Mall #7 route and like others had gotten the two #7’s confused. Still a mystery as to why there are two different #7’s.
Hoping to solve this dilemma The Flowerman 🌻pulls up to the next stop to check the schedule. The next #7 Driftwood Mall departs the downtown exchange 3 minutes after The Flowerman’s 🌻arrival after his next scheduled run. Barry asks if he can continue to ride on the Love Bus where it’s warm and dry and catch the next #7 Driftwood Mall. The Flowerman 🌻tells Barry the connection may not be made as the traffic was moving at a snail’s pace with all the holiday shoppers on the roads. “I’m a gambler, I’ll roll the dice, I’ll take my chances and ride on the Love Bus.”
The next passenger to board the #7 Arden was another regular rider. Maddie is a beautiful soul with some physical disabilities that i can only assume would make her life more challenging but she always greets The Flowerman🌻with a “hello JD” and a smile as she makes her way down the aisle to find an open seat. This time Maddie stops at the fare-box and hands The Flowerman 🌻a gift card from Tim Hortons coffee shop. He accepted her gift with gratitude but then looked in his rear view mirror to see Barry sitting in his seat turning on and off his gifted lantern surely feeling grateful to be able to see in the darkness of his tent.
Having just stopped at a red light and knowing well with all the traffic it would be two long light cycles before the Love Bus can proceed, The Flowerman 🌻feels confident that he can safely call Maddie up to the fare-box. With Maddie now curiously at his side wondering what could possibly be discussed The Flowerman 🌻tells Maddie “see that man with the lantern, he’s recently fallen on hard times. I thank you for the gift card, but I know he could use it far more than I. Would you mind introducing yourself and offering him your gift card in the true Christmas spirit?” 
“Flowerman 🌻, it would be an honour to offer him this gift card.” With that The Flowerman 🌻returned the gift card to Maddie who walks back down the aisle and offered it to Barry all before the green turn signal.
“Another angel got his wings” was said aloud by Barry quoting the famous line in The Flowerman’s🌻favourite Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Then a roaring chorus of Auld Lang Syne (And surely, you will buy your cup And surely, I’ll buy mine! We’ll take a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne). Well, perhaps not a roaring chorus but a good attempt. Lol
As Maddie carefully stepped off the Love Bus she thanked The Flowerman🌻for giving her the opportunity to embrace the Christmas spirit telling The Flowerman 🌻 “you have such a gift bringing people together.” A hearty “Merry Christmas” was offered in return.
Along the route The Flowerman 🌻is having an engaging conversation with Barry who decides to walk up to the fare-box himself. As luck would have it this particular route took the Love Bus down a winding rural road along the ocean. With Barry close by The Flowerman🌻points out the exact spot he himself had experienced homelessness 4 years ago pitching his tent up against a rocky cliffe affording The Flowerman 🌻privacy for his outdoor shower.
As The Love Bus arrives back in town and holding his Tim Hortons gift card, Barry makes an existential comment about a long since played hockey game and the current division of our country. He has asked a local teenager what he thought of the 1972 Summit Series, the name of the first ice hockey competition between Canada and the Soviet Union, featuring top Canadian professional players and the Soviet national team. This teenager had never heard of this once famous game that brought Canada together in unison bringing all citizens together under one common cause.
What Canada needs is another moment in history like what the Summit Series provided. Something as simple as a hockey game to rally around, to cheer for, to offer a source of great pride for a great country.
What an incredible shift The Flowerman 🌻had yesterday driving his Love Bus. It wouldn’t be complete without The Flowerman 🌻offering a sticker for Barry’s gifted lantern.
Stay tuned!
The Flowerman🌻
Earlier in the day Kelly Everill Zotek was able to by chance grab her Christmas gift for The Flowerman 🌻along his route as she was delivering others their carefully hand crafted gifts.
Quote from Dawn to Dawn: Action on Homelessness “Aww! That is so nice to hear. It was such a lovely time. We are so blessed to be able to meet with this group in our community. The most authentic and resilient people I have ever met.”



