Meet Russell Bardak

Russell Bardak stepped on The Flowerman’s Love Bus the other morning greeting him with a large smile and equally large button pinned to his jacket. Russell asked The Flowerman “why all the flowers?” The Flowerman simply says it’s an outward expression of Joy and Happiness that came from debilitating anxiety and depression. The Flowerman in return notices the button and it’s very intriguing logo and asks Russell “why the button?”

“I am a retired farmer and advanced care paramedic with a life-long passion for working with my hands to create one of a kind, beautiful functional wood art.

I am a neurodivergent thinker, I have ADHD and other mental health challenges that includes developmental trauma.  My woodwork is an important part of keeping myself regulated and my woodwork provides me with therapeutic benefit.  I know I am not alone facing my mental health challenges and I see no stigma with declaring mental health challenges.

I take pride in creating pieces that showcase the natural beauty of wood. Every piece has a story.  With every piece I create, I carefully select the wood, I learn how the wood speaks to me and I begin to create a one of a kind piece. Often, I forage for local Arbutus, Maple and Walnut that I select from fallen trees or branches.  At times, I am given local wood by friends or neighbours and in return, I create a functional art piece as a gift.”

The Flowerman is incredibly proud of Russell, how proud he is of his mental health journey and how he proudly wears his “Mental Health Matters” pin.

“Talking about mental health is how the healing begins.”



Feel free to visit Russell’s website where you’ll find his beautiful handcrafted woodwork for sale.